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Analog Simulation

Do you want to move from a commercial simulator to a open source simulator like ngspice or gnucap ?

On this page you will find a lot of useful hints. To continuously improve this page, please send me your comments.

Models in ngspice and gnucap

ng-spice_gnucap_models.pdf is a table with all the available semiconductor model levels in both open source simulators. When you got a simulation model for a commercial tool, it helps you to find the right model level in the open source tool.

How does a Sigma Delta ADC work?

The best introduction, without to much formulas, to Sigma Delta ADC I found on: An Introduction to Delta Sigma Converters. A privat page from Uwe Beis.
After this lecture, I wanted to understand the signals in the modulator more detailed. So I created in Open Office the a spreadsheet:ADC_1st_Order.sxc
If you just want a brief look at it:ADC_1st_Order.pdf

Copyright 2004, 2005 by Peter Kaiser
